xPornoPaloozax.com or PornoPalooza™, is not a producer (primary or secondary) of any and all of the content found on the website (xPornoPaloozax.com). With respect to the records as per 18 USC 2257 for any and all content found on this site, please kindly direct your request to the site for which the content was produced.
This site is a video sharing site in which allows for the uploading, sharing and general viewing of various types of adult content and while xPornoPaloozax.com does the best it can with verifying compliance, it may not be 100% accurate. xPornoPaloozax.com (or PornoPalooza™ ) abides by the following procedures to ensure compliance:
– requiring (using age verification) all users to be 18 years of age to upload media.
– When uploading, user must verify the content; certify that he/she keeps records of the models in the content they’re uploading and verify that they are at least 18 years of age.
– Certify that the content being uploaded is either owned by user or that they sre legally licensed to upload/publish/share content at hand.
Please go to the CONTACT US page and submit request. Your request MUST include ALL details of post in question and a reply will be sent back within 7 business days. To include ATTACHMENTS, please send your request directly to [email protected].
This site does not allow content to be flagged as inappropriate. We don’t do this due to the nature of the site, this is a PORN site and our screening & verification processes are above par. However, there are instances that can be missed and if any content that is brought to our attention as noted above as illegal, unlawful, harmful, vengeful, harassing, etc. PornoPalooza™ will remove content without hesitation. We have a ZERO TOLERANCE rule for these things.
🚩🚩To report or flag content, follow these instructions EXACTLY:
1. Send email to [email protected] subject line MUST state “flagged”
2. You must include the exact url of this specific post you are reporting or flagging
3. Reason for your flag/report (for example: proof of a minor being portrayed inappropriately)
4.Your REAL name, contact information and your IP address must be included or you will not be considered
5. Absolutely NO attachments, including attachments will send your message automatically to our spam folder and it will never be considered.