Ainsley Rodriguez
Weight | 115-125 lbs (52.2-56.7kg) |
Height | 5’4″ (162.5 cm) |
Born | 1991 |
Nationality | American |
Profession | Fitness Model, Personal Trainer, Bikini Competitor |
Era | 2010 |
Ainsley was a dancer all her young life, growing up with the physique of a dancer which helps.
During the time she was in college, Ainsley stumbled across weightlifting and fitness. But Ainsley didn’t have a lot of free time available, due to the intellectual path she chose.
However, she decided to spend the little time she had doing something that would keep her body fit – the gym was the perfect answer. She then began going to the gym, and slowly but surely, building an extraordinary physique.
Soon, she got ‘hooked’ on her new-born lifestyle, as she said; “Before I knew it, I was hooked! From balancing textbooks on the Stairmaster to super setting workouts, I always managed to find a way to get to the gym.”
In 2012, Ainsley took part in her first ever bikini competition, the NPC Dayana Cadeau Classic. Having had no expectations, she was amazed when she took home 3rd place in the B category that day.
By the age of 25, Ainsley became a fitness sensation – gaining masses of followers from all over the world.
She also became an online coach, with the expertise in nutrition and strength training.
- MONDAY: Shoulders/Abs
- Barbell Shoulder Press, 4 x 10
- One-Arm Side Laterals, 4 x 8
- Arnold Dumbbell Press, 3 x 10
- Front Dumbbell Raise, 4 x 8
- Push Ups, (Until Failure)
- Cable Crunches, 4 x 20
- Hanging Leg Raises, 4 x 20
- Roman Twists, 4 x 20
- TUESDAY: Quads/Calves
- Leg Extensions, 4 x 8
- Squats, 5 x 6
- Leg Press, 4 x 8
- Reverse Hack Squat, 3x 10
- Sissy Squats (Until failure)
- Seated Calf Raises, 4 x 20
- Standing Calf Raises, 4 x 20
- WEDNESDAY: Off (Rest Day)
- Recovery
- Barbell Curl, 3 x 10
- Tricep V-bar Pushdown, 3 x 10
- Hammer Curls, 3 x 10
- Dips, 4 x 12
- Preacher curls, 3 x 10
- Skull Crushers, 3 x 10
- Incline Dumbbell Curl, 4 x 10
- Diamond Pushups, (Until failure)
- FRIDAY: Shoulders/Abs
- Bent Over Low-Pulley Side Lateral, 4 x 10
- Reverse Fly’s, 3 x 10
- Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raises, 4 x 10
- Planks, 4 x hold 1 min
- Side Bends, 4 x 15
- L-Sit, 4 x hold 30 sec
- SATURDAY: Hams/Glutes
- Walking Lunges, 4 x 12
- Stiff-Legged Deadlift, 5 x 6
- Lying Leg Curl, 4 x 8
- Cable Kick Back, 4 x 10
- Reverse Hyper Extension (until failure)
- SUNDAY: Back/Calves
- Bent Over Barbell Row, 4 x 12
- Wide Grip Pull Down, 4 x 8
- Seated Lat Row, 4 x 10
- One Arm Dumbbell Row, 3 x 8
- Seated Calf Raise, 4 x 20
- Standing Calf Raise, 4 x 20
Ainsley’s typical diet consists of seven meals a day, which translates to one meal every two and a half hours. Each of these meals consists of around five ounces of protein and four ounces of complex carbohydrates.
She avoids adding any artificial sweeteners to her foods, and replaces shakes with whole meals as often as possible after workouts.
Ainsley’s take on protein consumption;
“We tend to overeat protein and that old school bodybuilding mentality of eating your weight in protein is so flawed and can actually have severe health consequences over time. I understand it’s difficult to reprogram your mind when you’ve read so much of this hocus pocus on social media, but high-protein diets can actually restrict foods that provide essential nutrients.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again – you need variety in your diet! Learn to listen to your body and how it responds to what it needs. I take a blood type approach with my clients to help figure out just what foods are causing inflammation and bloating, and then work to replace them!” – Ainsley Rodriguez
Ainsley’s Top 10 Foods
- Chicken
- Egg whites
- Whole eggs
- Spinach
- Steak
- Oats
- Red potatoes
- Sweet potatoes
- Bananas
- Asparagus
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